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Foster Products Corp., USA is the manufacturer, and it is 100% USA origin. Foster 30-36, 30-36AF, 81-10, DS.32-17 & 60-95 are the foster products available with us. These are asbestos free and contains no Mercury or Mercury compounds. The product is warranty for 6 months from the ship date.

Foster 30-36: it is a white fire resistive washable indoor coating for thermal insulation. It will not discolour with age. It is also used as lagging and lap adhesive. It provides a protective finish for insulation on air-conditioning ducts and cold-water piping.
Foster 30-36AF: It is a white abrasion-resistant indoor coating for thermal insulation in areas where high humidity and elevated temperatures are a problem. It will resist mould, fungus and mildew growth on its surface. It is also used as a lagging and lap adhesive.
